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Currently, almost half of the world's population is under 25 years old (the largest population in the history of the earth). Because of authority abuse and failure, many are trying to figure life out without anyone older speaking into them.  A recent survey regarding today's young adults communicated that 34% have no religious affiliation.  Another 16% do not attend church.  


With your support, we believe that we have an opportunity to meet the next generation where they are and meet their needs as mentors and guides.  Cultivate provides nearly all of its services free of charge in order to remain accessible to those with limited resources.  These services include COMPASS, various types of EVENTS throughout the year that promote growth, various types of PROJECTS to engage young adults in meaningful service to others, and pre-marriage counseling for young couples using the SYMBIS (Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts) profile as a guide.  Building a team of partners who give to support this work is vital to accomplishing our mission.    


Your gifts will help enable Cultivate staff and volunteers to continue pouring their lives into the young adults we are currently mentoring and continue to expand our reach.  We are so thankful that you are considering becoming a partner with us.


Cultivate is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization so gifts are tax deductible.  If you have any questions about donations to Cultivate or how you can participate with the ministry of Cultivate, e-mail





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