“I am happy to report that 👨 got a 3.5 GPA first semester in the hardest program at KSU, formally known as Southern Polytech. He is happy and confident. Thank you for being an absolutely critical part of the process - your prayers first, speaking life into him, and that Christmas two years ago that you sat us down in front of your fireplace and dived into his very soul. We have referenced the attributes and abilities you spoke over him many times. Some people spend YEARS trying to discern the things you said that day, by the results of the test (YouScience) and the Holy Spirit who gave you laser focus on what was important and what wasn’t..." - Best Christmas present ever received from a parent…December 21, 2018.
We met with this student as we were just getting started… barely an organization… barely a process… but God plants seeds and in time, they germinate and grow.
This year, we are more committed than ever to helping the next generation move forward. We aren’t looking for quick fixes, but rather slow, accumulated growth as they develop self-awareness, explore alternatives, and take steps in a direction.

Our Focus for 2019...
Compass. First quarter available slots for Compass are full and we are now scheduling for second quarter. Please pray for us as we continue to adjust Compass to the individual who is in front of us. Everyone learns and hears differently. Everyone is created differently. We are seeking to be organic in our approach to helping each individual. Only through the help of the Holy Spirit’s wisdom, will we accomplish this!
Online presence. Bonnie Sambucetti, our amazing Creative Cultivator, has developed a plan and is now implementing our strategy for social media. Since the next generation spends their time online, we are exploring ways to use our voice.

A Taste of What We Are Seeing...
We wanted to share an article that explains what we are seeing in the next generation. It's called The Inseparability of Digital Media and Youth Culture. If you are interested in learning more--click here or visit http://bit.ly/tasteofyouthculture to read the full article.

SAYA. We have had the honor and privilege of getting to know the leaders of South Atlanta Young Adults (SAYA): A collective of young adults living in the south Atlanta area. This group is hosting a monthly gathering to bring young adults together for community and worship. Bonnie was the guest speaker at their event in October, and they have asked us to partner with them. We love their vision. We love their love for Jesus and their heart for their generation.
TEAM HUNGRY. God is doing amazing things through organizations in our community. Over the past year, we have become friends with Team Hungry, a nonprofit focused on high schoolers, whose mission is “To help those in need, feed the heart that hungers, and serve one another.” Together, we are dreaming about how we can partner to help students become who God created them to be, in providing opportunities to foster their growth, and in cultivating their relationships with Jesus Christ.
Happy to Help.
Podcasts regarding the next generation:
-Gen Z Slang Terms You Should Know: http://bit.ly/nextgenslang
-The Unhealthy Ways Gen Z Copes with Stress Today: http://bit.ly/nextgenstress
Thank you, thank you for partnering with us in helping the next generation.
We are praying for you!
Ken, Elise and Bonnie